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McCain 501(c)3 Deep Dive on QPost

Writer's picture: Erica Swenson ElliottErica Swenson Elliott

Updated: Nov 11, 2020

You may need to visit my post from yesterday before you read this one which drills down on Q's calling out the McCain Institute yet again. I know its a little tax technical, so take a deep breath, take a sip of wine and stay calm.

As a CPA, I can say it looks pretty straightforward that McCain's foundation probably blew its IRS requirements on prohibited activities when it involved itself with the falsified dirty dossier. It looks like its charitable status could be compromised and be subject to penal excise taxes.

In the image of post #4830 pictured here, you can see how Q used the bold big brackets as a "kill box" to emphasize a point or nuance. In this case, Q is saying McCain indirectly profited from his involvement with the dirty Steele dossier via his 501(c)3 foundation.

In McCain's case his Not For Profit (NFP) has another layer of opacity in that it is a Private Foundation. Therefore, it is not required to publicly disclose its informational tax returns, 990-PF

Therefore, I can't figure out what the 501(c)3 charity was paid to peddle the Steele dossier, but it must be some pretty penny, if Q is talking about here in 2020.

This is different than public charities like The Clinton Foundation (TCF). A public charity must give taxpayers access their 990s due to the presumable public purpose of the charity. I shared links to some of those in yesterday's post too, to save you the time.

It looks pretty straightforward that the McCain Institute broke the IRS restrictions any political activity by sending an employee to deliver the dirty dossier in opposition to Trump's candidacy, in the IRS' own words below. Is the IRS participating in this cover up?

Under the Internal Revenue Code, all section 501(c)(3) organizations are absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office. Contributions to political campaign funds or public statements of position (verbal or written) made on behalf of the organization in favor of or in opposition to any candidate for public office clearly violate the prohibition against political campaign activity.

The CONSEQUENCES should be pretty DIRE for a 501(c)3 charity that breaks this rule:

  Violating this prohibition may result in denial or revocation of tax-exempt status and the imposition of certain excise taxes.

This issue is still apparently quite hot, as Q is still talking about it now, two years after this post #1764, featured here. Or you can link through to


It is intriguing that Q calls out the name of McCain's 501(c)3's employee, Nicholas Rasmussen, back in July 2018. Then references the foundation again last month.

In 1764, t Q says "think FISA, think NO NAME". Therefore, our favorite Deep Throat must be saying that Nicholas was McCain's player walking the Dirty Dossier around with the FISA courts? Kind of doing the bureaucratic wet work? Remember, No Name = McCain.

Then Q notes the White House Visitor logs and asking us to check the dates when McCain was there meeting with Hussein=Obama, Brennan, Comey, Clapper and Rice. I haven't verified these yet, but I'm assuming McCain or Rasmussen were there a number of times with the named.

Still working on this: Q notes " replaced by" after the White House log list. It links to the NCTC Director page. Since Q posted this back in July 2018, I'm assuming Q is talking about Russell Travers.

Is Russell Travers the" Defense Intelligence Liaison to British Intelligence in London", in Q's next line? As he was Nicholas' immediate replacement at NCTC. Or is it Gina Haspel herself?

"Think UK, Current Director of CIA", has link to Gina Haspel, which Q states that her UK Bio was removed from her publicly posted bio at the agency which you can confirm for yourself here: Then he goes on to say Haspel was seen as an ally of Britain's MI6 after serving as London station chief as well as a Russia Expert from 2014-17. Then this link ends the post:

Which surprisingly seems to imply that Haspel was a part of the Steele Dossier drama, as McCain's posse picked it up from the UK/Steele drop and brought it back to secretly deliver to the FBI.

The post ends with the pithy "The more you know." I would end it with the more you know, the more you don't want to know. For the more you unwind the twisted thread, the more there seems to need unraveling. The twists and turns that forensic accounting can take, I must say are wild and wooly. Feels like a Scott Turow legal thriller.

Any leads you want to provide, please leave in the comments..


NCTC Directors

  • John O. Brennan (Interim) (2004–05) (all very chummy)

  • Vice Admiral (Ret.) John Scott Redd (2005–07)

  • Michael E. Leiter (Acting) (2007–08)

  • Michael E. Leiter (2008–2011)

  • Matthew G. Olsen (2011–2014)

  • Nicholas Rasmussen (2014–2017)

  • Russell Travers (acting) (December 24, 2017 – December 27, 2018)

  • Joseph Maguire (December 27, 2018 – August 15, 2019)

  • Russell Travers (acting) (August 16, 2019 – March 18, 2020)

  • Lora Shiao (acting) (April 2020 – August 10, 2020)

  • Christopher C. Miller (August 10, 2020 – present)[17][18]

Nicholas' Work History Summary:

Nicholas Rasmussen is a non-resident senior fellow at the McCain Institute. He is currently the executive director of the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT). Before joining GIFCT in 2020, Rasmussen was the senior director for the National Security & Counterterrorism program at the McCain Institute... He concluded his government career as director of the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC)

As background my post from yesterday:

In November 2016, according to the filing, McCain sent Kramer, a director at the McCain Institute for International Leadership, to London to meet with Steele. Another prohibited activity by a 501c3.

McCain had learned from Sir Andrew Wood, the former British Ambassador to Russia, that Steele had collected damaging information about Trump, according to the filing. Wood was an informal adviser to Orbis, which was retained by Fusion GPS, the firm behind the dossier. Fox News previously reported on Wood's involvement.

On Nov. 28, 2016, Kramer met with Steele and later obtained copies of the dossier from Glenn Simpson, the head of Fusion GPS, the filing states. Kramer then met with Buzzfeed reporter Ken Bensinger on Dec. 29, 2016 at the McCain Institute.

There, "Kramer reviewed with Bensinger what he knew about the dossier and explained that he took the allegations seriously." Then, Kramer showed Bensinger the dossier and purportedly informed him that “some of the information was unverified."

Comey: Notion FISA court was abused is 'nonsense' Questions grow about FBI vetting of FISA dossier; panel reaction to on 'Hannity.'

Bensinger left his meeting "with copies of all seventeen memos" authored by Steele, and promptly took the compiled dossier to Mark Schoofs, BuzzFeed’s senior editor in charge of investigative reporting.

The McCain Institute did not immediately respond to Fox News' request for comment.

{As an aside: meeting at the Institute, using its employees to do opposition research on a political candidate, having anything to do politics jeopardizes the charitable status of the 501c3 and opens it up to penal excise taxes and loss of its charitable status. Can this be used as leverage now to uncover more criminal acts and allow justice to rain down?- ESE}

Don't forget to shop the Shop which has some Q gear. When MSM bans the letter Q, you must remember that Q now identifies as a number! :) 17 as Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet. If we don't laugh right now it gets way too dark! Remember, #WWG1WGAworldwide = Where We Go One We Go All.

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